Table of Contents

Твоя карьера — это лучшая возможность изменить мир. Но что именно нужно для этого сделать? Мы ищем ответ на этот вопрос уже десять лет.

Перед тобой открыто множество дорог. Мы обнаружили, что некоторые из них позволяют принести гораздо больше пользы, чем другие, причём зачастую эти дороги довольно недооценены. Это означает, что нам нужно переосмыслить, какие профессиональные пути приносят пользу обществу. И после этого, возможно, ты найдёшь путь, который и изменит мир к лучшему, и понравится тебе не меньше, чем тот, на котором ты стоишь сейчас.

В этом цикле статей ты узнаешь о том, какие идеи сильнее всего изменили наше представление о том, как построить карьеру, которая принесёт миру много пользы. Мы начнём с определения «пользы», а затем перейдём к четырём факторам, которые сильнее всего определяют, насколько много ты сделаешь. Это поможет тебе сравнивать имеющиеся у тебя варианты с точки зрения, насколько они могут что-то изменить. В конце мы познакомим тебя с наиболее важными штуками для карьерной стратегии.

В этом цикле двадцать основных статей. Их можно прочитать за выходные. После прочтения у тебя уже будет достаточно информации, чтобы начать придумывать новый план своей карьеры. Также здесь есть необязательные дополнительные статьи, подкаст-интервью и короткое резюме всего цикла.

Ты можешь подумать, что это означает очень много работы. Однако если у тебя есть способ увеличить пользу от своей карьеры всего лишь на один процент, то, чтобы его освоить, можно потратить до 800 часов. А мы считаем, что пользы будет гораздо больше, а времени ты потратишь гораздо меньше. Поэтому начнём.

Получить наше руководство на e-mail в формате PDF.

Наше подробнейшее руководство может помочь тебе:

  • Получить новые идеи для карьеры, которая всерьёз изменит мир к лучшему

  • Сравнить свои варианты с точки зрения приносимой пользы

  • Составить план, который придаст тебе уверенности

Также раз в два месяца мы будем присылать тебе новости о наших исследованиях.

1. Введение

  • Почему твоя карьера — это наилучшая возможность изменить мир, и как лучше всего её использовать (также это вступление к остальным статьям цикла).

  • Summary

    Резюме всего цикла, состоящее только из выводов. Можно прочитать за пару минут.

  • Prefer to listen rather than read? Hear our founder and president, Benjamin Todd, discuss some of the most important ideas in the series in episode #71 of The 80,000 Hours Podcast. 文

Careers decisions are highly individual, so there are many questions we can’t easily help with. We aim to focus on career questions that are more widely relevant. To answer the questions we tackle, we draw on: 文

  • Expert interviews — you can listen to over 60 examples of these interviews on our podcast, and also see the results of some anonymous interviews. Our first pass on many questions involves synthesising what several experts say on the question.

  • Academic literature — we aim to draw on academic literature where it’s available, such as the literature on existential threats, the distribution of productivity in different fields, and how to make good decisions. We’re also affiliated with some academic partners.

  • Advising our readers — we’ve given one-on-one advice to over 2,000 people since 2011, many of whom we’re still in touch with. This gives us a sense of what mistakes are common, as well as some indication of how decisions play out over time. 文

It’s not usually possible to confidently answer the kinds of questions we tackle. However, we do our best to synthesise the sources of evidence we draw on, using our research principles. We also aim to highlight the key aspects of our reasoning so that readers can make their own assessments. 文

The topics we tackle are complex, and in the past we’ve noticed people interpreting our advice in ways we didn’t intend. Here are some points to bear in mind before diving into our advice. 文

  • We want our writing to inform people’s views, but only in proportion to the likelihood that we are correct. Given that, it’s important to keep in mind that we’ve been wrong before and we’ll be wrong again. We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about these issues, but we still have a lot to learn. Our positions often change every couple of years, and due to the nature of the questions we take on we’re rarely more than about 70% confident in our answers. You should try to strike a balance between what we think and your previous position, depending on the strength of the arguments and how much you already knew about the topic. 文

  • It’s extremely difficult to give universally applicable career advice. The most important issue here is that which option is best for you depends a huge amount on your skills and circumstances, and the specific details of the opportunity. So, while we might highlight path A more than path B, the best opportunities in path B will often be better than the typical opportunities in path A. Moreover, your personal circumstances could easily mean the best option for you is in path B. So, treat the specific options we mention as an aid for compiling your personal list of career ideas. Also keep in mind that many issues in career choice are a matter of balancing opposing considerations — for instance, if we say people put too much emphasis on X, there will usually be some readers who put too little emphasis on X, and need to hear the opposite advice. 文

  • Our advice is aimed at a particular audience: namely, people with college degrees who want to make having a positive impact (from an impartial perspective) the main focus of their careers, especially in the problem areas we most recommend; who live in rich, (for the most part) English-speaking countries; and who want to take an analytical approach to their career. At any given moment many people need to focus on taking care of their own lives, and we don’t think anyone should feel guilty if that’s the case. Certain parts of our advice, such as our list of priority paths, are especially aimed at people who are unusually high achieving. In general, the more similar you are to our core audience, the more useful the advice will be, although much of what we write is useful to anyone who wants to make a difference. 文

  • Treat increasing your impact as just one long-term goal. Working on the world’s most pressing problems is among the most worthwhile challenges we can imagine, though it can also be overwhelming. Bear in mind, 80,000 Hours is about how to maximise your impact, and this can make it sound like we don’t care about other goals. However, the team sees increasing our impact as just one important goal among several in our lives, which means we often do things that aren’t optimal from the perspective of doing good. Indeed, even if your only goal was to have an impact, to do that it’s vital to do something you can stick with for years — and this means taking care of your personal priorities as well. 文

  • Aim for steady progress rather than perfection. It can take a long time to work out how to factor the ideas we cover into your own plans and find the right opportunity. Along the way, because there’s always more that could be done, it can be easy to become overly perfectionist, get caught up with comparisons, and never be satisfied. When using our advice, the aim is not to find the (unknowable and unattainable) perfect option, or have more impact than other people. Rather, focus on making steady progress towards the best career that’s practical for you given your constraints. 文

  • Older articles on the site are less likely to reflect our current views, so check their publication date. We also aim to keep this key ideas page up to date as the canonical source of advice, and to flag older articles when our views have changed, though we have hundreds of pages of content, so we don’t catch everything. 文

Read more.

2. Foundations: what does it mean to make a difference? 文

3. Global priorities: what’s the world’s most pressing problem? 文

4. Contribution: which career paths give you the best opportunities to tackle global problems? 文

5. Personal fit: what are you good at? 文

6. Strategy: how to find your best career 文

7. Conclusion: how much do careers differ in impact? 文

What’s next Make your new career plan 文

Now that you’ve read the series, here are two ways we can help you update your career plan, and put these ideas into action: 文

1. Speak to our team one-on-one 文

If you’re interested in working on one of our top problem areas, our advising team might be able to speak with you one-on-one. They can help you consider your options, make connections with others working on these issues, and possibly even help you find jobs or funding opportunities. (It’s free.) 文

Speak to our team

2. Use our planning course to write your plan 文

If you want to think more about your plan first, sign up to our eight-week career planning course. It takes everything we’ve learned about career planning and turns it into a series of tips, prompts, and resources to help you clarify your longer-term goals and turn them into actionable next steps. It’s designed to be useful no matter which problems and career paths you want to focus on. 文

Sign up to receive the course through a weekly email, or you can see everything online. 文

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